

Guard Against Online Fraud!

While the vast majority of ads are placed by sincere and trustworthy individuals, leading to fantastic transactions, it's still essential to adhere to certain common-sense guidelines to thwart any potential scam attempts.

Our Recommendations

Engage in transactions with individuals you can meet in person.

Avoid sending money via EasyPaisa, JazzCash, or other anonymous payment methods.

Refrain from sending money or goods overseas.

Do not accept check payments.

Verify the individual you are dealing with, cross-checking their name, address, and phone number from another reliable source.

Retain copies of all interactions (emails, ads, letters, etc.) and personal details of the individual.

If an offer appears overly favorable, it most likely is. Exercise caution.

Identify Scam Attempts


Most scams bear one or more of the following traits:


The individual is either overseas or traveling abroad.

The individual is reluctant to meet you in person.

Payments are made through EasyPaisa, JazzCash, or checks.

Messages are written in broken language (English or Urdu).

The text appears to be replicated or pasted.


The deal appears too beneficial to be authentic.